
class ctranslate2.specs.SequenceToSequenceModelSpec

Base specification for sequence to sequence models.

Inherits from: ctranslate2.specs.ModelSpec

Extended by:




Initializes a sequence to sequence model specification.


Returns the default configuration used by this model.

abstract get_source_vocabulary_size()

Returns the source vocabulary size expected by the model.

abstract get_target_vocabulary_size()

Returns the target vocabulary size expected by the model.

optimize(quantization: Optional[str] = None) None

Recursively applies some optimizations to this layer:

  • Alias variables with the same shape and value.

  • Quantize weights.


quantization – Weight quantization scheme (possible values are: int8, int8_float32, int8_float16, int8_bfloat16, int16, float16, bfloat16, float32).

register_file(path: str, filename: Optional[str] = None) None

Registers a file to be saved in the model directory.

register_source_vocabulary(tokens: List[str]) None

Registers a source vocabulary of tokens.


tokens – List of source tokens.

register_target_vocabulary(tokens: List[str]) None

Registers a target vocabulary of tokens.


tokens – List of target tokens.

register_vocabulary_mapping(path: str) None

Registers a vocabulary mapping file.


path – Path to the vocabulary mapping file.

save(output_dir: str) None

Saves this model on disk.


output_dir – Output directory where the model is saved.

validate() None

Verify that the required weights are set.


ValueError – If a required weight is not set in the specification.

variables(prefix: str = '', ordered: bool = False) Dict[str, ndarray]

Recursively returns the weights from this layer and its children.

  • prefix – Prefix to prepend to all variable names.

  • ordered – If set, an ordered list is returned instead.


Dictionary mapping variables name to value.

property config

The model configuration.

property name

The name of the model specification.

property revision

The model specification revision.

This value is incremented each time the weights layout of the model is changed (e.g. a weight is renamed).