Performance tips

Below are some general recommendations to further improve performance.


  • Use int8 quantization

  • Use an Intel CPU supporting AVX512

  • If you are processing a large volume of data, prefer increasing inter_threads over intra_threads and use stream methods (methods whose name ends with _file or _iterable)

  • Avoid the total number of threads inter_threads * intra_threads to be larger than the number of physical cores

  • For single core execution on Intel CPUs, consider enabling packed GEMM (set the environment variable CT2_USE_EXPERIMENTAL_PACKED_GEMM=1)


  • Use a larger batch size whenever possible

  • Use a NVIDIA GPU with Tensor Cores (Compute Capability >= 7.0)

  • Pass multiple GPU IDs to device_index to execute on multiple GPUs


  • The default beam size for translation is 2, but consider setting beam_size=1 to improve performance

  • When using a beam size of 1, keep return_scores disabled if you are not using prediction scores: the final softmax layer can be skipped

  • Set max_batch_size and pass a larger batch to *_batch methods: the input sentences will be sorted by length and split by chunk of max_batch_size elements for improved efficiency

  • Prefer the “tokens” batch_type to make the total number of elements in a batch more constant

  • Consider using Dynamic vocabulary reduction for translation

See also

The WNGT 2020 efficiency task submission which applies many of these recommendations to optimize machine translation models.


  • Set include_prompt_in_result=False so that the input prompt can be forwarded in the decoder at once

  • If the model uses a system prompt, consider passing it to the argument static_prompt for it to be cached

  • When using a beam size of 1, keep return_scores disabled if you are not using prediction scores: the final softmax layer can be skipped