Text translation

CTranslate2 exposes high-level classes to run text translation from Python and C++. The main entrypoint in Python is the Translator class which provides methods to translate files or batches as well as methods to score existing translations.


Here are some translation examples using the model converted in the quickstart.


import ctranslate2

translator = ctranslate2.Translator("ende_ctranslate2/", device="cpu")
results = translator.translate_batch([["▁H", "ello", "▁world", "!"]])


See the Translator class documentation for available options.


#include <iostream>
#include <ctranslate2/translator.h>

int main() {
  ctranslate2::Translator translator("ende_ctranslate2/", ctranslate2::Device::CPU);

  const std::vector<std::vector<std::string>> batch = {{"▁H", "ello", "▁world", "!"}};
  const std::vector<ctranslate2::TranslationResult> results = translator.translate_batch(batch);

  for (const auto& token : results[0].output())
    std::cout << token << ' ';
  std::cout << std::endl;
  return 0;

See the Translator class for more advanced usages such as asynchronous translations.

Translation client

The translation client can be used via the Docker image:

echo "▁H ello ▁world !" | docker run -i --rm -v $PWD:/data \
    ghcr.io/opennmt/ctranslate2:latest-ubuntu20.04-cuda11.2 --model /data/ende_ctranslate2 --device cpu

To translate on GPU, use docker run --gpus all and set the option --device cuda. Use --help to see the list of available options.

Source factors

Models using additional source factors (a.k.a. source features) are supported. The factors should be added directly to the source input tokens using the special separator │ in both the file and batch translations APIs.


translator.translate_batch([["hello│C", "world│L", "!│N"]])

In text file:

hello│C world│L !│N

An error is raised if the number of factors does not match what the model expects.

Dynamic vocabulary reduction

The target vocabulary can be dynamically reduced to increase the translation speed. A source-target vocabulary mapping file (a.k.a. vmap) should be passed to the converter option --vocab_mapping and enabled during translation with use_vmap.

The vocabulary mapping file maps source N-grams to a list of candidate target tokens. During translation, the target vocabulary will be dynamically reduced to the union of all target tokens associated with the N-grams from the batch to translate.

It is a text file where each line has the following format:

src_1 src_2 ... src_N<TAB>tgt_1 tgt_2 ... tgt_K

If the source N-gram is empty (N = 0), the assiocated target tokens will always be included in the reduced vocabulary.


See here for an example on how to generate this file.