
class ctranslate2.models.Wav2Vec2

Implements the Wav2Vec2 speech recognition model published by Facebook.

Inherits from: pybind11_builtins.pybind11_object



__init__(model_path: str, device: str = 'cpu', *, device_index: Union[int, List[int]] = 0, compute_type: Union[str, Dict[str, str]] = 'default', inter_threads: int = 1, intra_threads: int = 0, max_queued_batches: int = 0, flash_attention: bool = False, tensor_parallel: bool = False, files: object = None) None

Initializes a Wav2Vec2 model from a converted model.

  • model_path – Path to the CTranslate2 model directory.

  • device – Device to use (possible values are: cpu, cuda, auto).

  • device_index – Device IDs where to place this model on.

  • compute_type – Model computation type or a dictionary mapping a device name to the computation type (possible values are: default, auto, int8, int8_float32, int8_float16, int8_bfloat16, int16, float16, bfloat16, float32).

  • inter_threads – Number of workers to allow executing multiple batches in parallel.

  • intra_threads – Number of OpenMP threads per worker (0 to use a default value).

  • max_queued_batches – Maximum numbers of batches in the worker queue (-1 for unlimited, 0 for an automatic value). When the queue is full, future requests will block until a free slot is available.

  • flash_attention – run model with flash attention 2 for self-attention layer

  • tensor_parallel – run model with tensor parallel mode

  • files – Load model files from the memory. This argument is a dictionary mapping file names to file contents as file-like or bytes objects. If this is set, model_path acts as an identifier for this model.

encode(features: StorageView, to_cpu: bool = False) StorageView

Encodes the input features.

  • features – Mel spectogram of the audio, as a float array with shape [batch_size, 80, 3000].

  • to_cpu – Copy the encoder output to the CPU before returning the value.


The encoder output.

load_model(keep_cache: bool = False) None

Loads the model back to the initial device.


keep_cache – If True, the model cache in the CPU memory is not deleted if it exists.

unload_model(to_cpu: bool = False) None

Unloads the model attached to this wav2vec2 but keep enough runtime context to quickly resume wav2vec2 on the initial device.


to_cpu – If True, the model is moved to the CPU memory and not fully unloaded.

property compute_type

Computation type used by the model.

property device

Device this model is running on.

property device_index

List of device IDs where this model is running on.

property model_is_loaded

Whether the model is loaded on the initial device and ready to be used.

property num_active_batches

Number of batches waiting to be processed or currently processed.

property num_queued_batches

Number of batches waiting to be processed.

property num_workers

Number of model workers backing this instance.

property tensor_parallel

Run model with tensor parallel mode.