
OpenNMT provides simple translation servers to easily showcase your results remotely.


Please use export THC_CACHING_ALLOCATOR=0 to save memory on server side.

You can use an easy REST syntax to simply send plain text. Sentences will be tokenized, translated and then detokenized using OpenNMT tools.

The server uses the restserver-xavante dependency, you need to install it by running:

luarocks install restserver-xavante

The translation server can be run using any of the arguments from tokenize.lua or translate.lua.

Single Model Rest server (first version, kept for backward compatiblity)

th tools/rest_translation_server.lua -model ../Recipes/baseline-1M-enfr/exp/model-baseline-1M-enfr_epoch13_3.44.t7 -gpuid 1 -host ... -port -case_feature -bpe_model ...


The default host is set to and default port to 7784.

You can test it with a curl command locally or from any other client:

curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '[{ "src" : "Hello World" }]' http://IP_address:7784/translator/translate

Answer will be embedded in a JSON format, translated sentence in the tgt section. Additionally you can get the attention matrix with the -withAttn option in the server command line.

Multi Model Rest server

luarocks install yaml

This version supports multi models listed in a YAML config file.

Here is an example with two models:

  model: '/NMTModels/en-fr/model-enfr_epoch600_3.03.t7'
  replace_unk: true
  mode: aggressive
  joiner_annotate: true
  case_feature: true
  segment_case: true
  beam_size: 5

  model: '/NMTModels/en-it/model-enit_epoch600_4.17.t7'
  replace_unk: true
  mode: aggressive
  joiner_annotate: true
  case_feature: true
  segment_case: true
  beam_size: 5

By default, it uses the file in test/data/rest_config.yml but you can modify with --mode_config the location.

th tools/rest_multi_models.lua -gpuid 1


The default host is set to which only allows local access. If you want to support remote access, use instead. Default port is 7784. You can change the unload time with --unload_time Xsec

You can test it with a curl command locally or from any other client:

You need to select the model id in the order of the config file.

curl -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '[{ "src" : "Hello World" , "id" : 1 }]' http://IP_address:7784/translator/translate


The server uses the 0MQ for RPC. You can install 0MQ and the Lua bindings on Ubuntu by running:

sudo apt-get install libzmq-dev
luarocks install dkjson
luarocks install lua-zmq ZEROMQ_LIBDIR=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ ZEROMQ_INCDIR=/usr/include

The translation server can be run using any of the arguments from translate.lua.

th tools/translation_server.lua -host ... -port ... -model ...


The default host is set to which only allows local access. If you want to support remote access, use instead.

It runs as a message queue that takes in a JSON batch of src sentences. For example the following 5 lines of Python code can be used to send a single sentence for translation.

import zmq, sys, json
sock = zmq.Context().socket(zmq.REQ)
sock.send(json.dumps([{"src": " ".join(sys.argv[1:])}]))
print sock.recv()

For a longer example, see our Python/Flask server in development.