Source code for opennmt.utils.decoding

"""Dynamic decoding utilities."""

import abc
import collections

import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_addons as tfa

from opennmt import constants
from opennmt.utils import misc

[docs]class Sampler(abc.ABC): """Base class for samplers."""
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def __call__(self, scores, num_samples=1): """Samples predictions. Args: scores: The scores to sample from, a tensor of shape ``[batch_size, vocab_size]``. num_samples: The number of samples per batch to produce. Returns: A tuple ``(sample_ids, sample_scores)``. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @staticmethod def from_params(params): """Constructs a sampler based on user parameters. Args: params: A dictionary of user parameters. Returns: A :class:`opennmt.utils.Sampler` instance. """ sampling_topk = params.get("sampling_topk", 1) if sampling_topk == 1: return BestSampler() else: return RandomSampler( from_top_k=sampling_topk, temperature=params.get("sampling_temperature") )
[docs]class RandomSampler(Sampler): """Randomly samples from model outputs."""
[docs] def __init__(self, from_top_k=None, temperature=None): """Initializes the random sampler. Args: from_top_k: Sample from the top K predictions instead of the full distribution. temperature: Divide logits by this value. High temperatures generate more random samples. """ if from_top_k is not None and from_top_k <= 0: from_top_k = None self.from_top_k = from_top_k self.temperature = temperature
def __call__(self, scores, num_samples=1): if self.from_top_k is None: sample_ids = _sample_from(scores, num_samples, temperature=self.temperature) else: top_scores, top_ids = tf.nn.top_k(scores, k=self.from_top_k) sample_ids = _sample_from( top_scores, num_samples, temperature=self.temperature ) sample_ids = _gather_from_word_indices(top_ids, sample_ids) sample_scores = _gather_from_word_indices(scores, sample_ids) return sample_ids, sample_scores
[docs]class BestSampler(Sampler): """Sample the best predictions.""" def __call__(self, scores, num_samples=1): sample_scores, sample_ids = tf.nn.top_k(scores, k=num_samples) return sample_ids, sample_scores
[docs]class DecodingStrategy(abc.ABC): """Base class for decoding strategies.""" @property def num_hypotheses(self): """The number of hypotheses returned by this strategy.""" return 1
[docs] @staticmethod def from_params(params, tflite_mode=False): """Constructs a decoding strategy based on user parameters. Args: params: A dictionary of user parameters. tflite_mode: boolean, should be set to True only if you're exporting with TensorFlow Lite Returns: A :class:`opennmt.utils.DecodingStrategy` instance. """ beam_size = params.get("beam_width", 1) if beam_size > 1: return BeamSearch( beam_size, length_penalty=params.get("length_penalty", 0), coverage_penalty=params.get("coverage_penalty", 0), tflite_output_size=params.get("tflite_output_size", 250) if tflite_mode else None, ) else: return GreedySearch()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def initialize(self, start_ids, attention_size=None): """Initializes the strategy. Args: start_ids: The start decoding ids. attention_size: If known, the size of the attention vectors (i.e. the maximum source length). Returns: A tuple containing, - The (possibly transformed) start decoding ids. - The tensor of finished flags. - Initial log probabilities per batch. - An dictionary of additional tensors used during the decoding. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def step( self, step, sampler, log_probs, cum_log_probs, finished, state=None, attention=None, **kwargs ): """Updates the strategy state. Args: step: The current decoding step. sampler: The sampler that produces predictions. log_probs: The model log probabilities. cum_log_probs: The cumulated log probabilities per batch. finished: The current finished flags. state: The decoder state. attention: The attention vector for the current step. **kwargs: Additional tensors used by this decoding strategy. Returns: A tuple containing, - The predicted word ids. - The new cumulated log probabilities. - The updated finished flags. - The updated decoder state. - A dictionary with additional tensors used by this decoding strategy. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs] @abc.abstractmethod def finalize(self, outputs, end_id, attention=None, **kwargs): """Finalize the predictions. Args: outputs: The array of sampled ids. end_id: The end token id. attention: The array of attention outputs. **kwargs: Additional tensors used by this decoding strategy. Returns: A tuple containing, - The final predictions as a tensor of shape :math:`[B, H, T_t]`. - The final attention history of shape :math:`[B, H, T_t, T_s]`. - The final sequence lengths of shape :math:`[B, H]`. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class GreedySearch(DecodingStrategy): """A basic greedy search strategy."""
[docs] def initialize(self, start_ids, attention_size=None): batch_size = tf.shape(start_ids)[0] finished = tf.zeros([batch_size], dtype=tf.bool) initial_log_probs = tf.zeros([batch_size], dtype=tf.float32) return start_ids, finished, initial_log_probs, {}
[docs] def step( self, step, sampler, log_probs, cum_log_probs, finished, state=None, attention=None, **kwargs ): sample_ids, sample_log_probs = sampler(log_probs) sample_ids = tf.reshape(sample_ids, [-1]) sample_log_probs = tf.reshape(sample_log_probs, [-1]) cum_log_probs += sample_log_probs return sample_ids, cum_log_probs, finished, state, kwargs
[docs] def finalize(self, outputs, end_id, attention=None, **kwargs): ids = tf.transpose(outputs.stack()) ids = tf.expand_dims(ids, 1) lengths = _lengths_from_ids(ids, end_id) if attention is not None: attention = tf.transpose(attention.stack(), perm=[1, 0, 2]) attention = tf.expand_dims(attention, 1) return ids, attention, lengths
[docs]class BeamSearch(DecodingStrategy): """A beam search strategy."""
[docs] def __init__( self, beam_size, length_penalty=0, coverage_penalty=0, tflite_output_size=None ): """Initializes the decoding strategy. Args: beam_size: The number of paths to consider per batch. length_penalty: Length penalty, see coverage_penalty: Coverage penalty, see tflite_output_size: None if not TFLite exporting. Is the output size of TFLite model """ self.beam_size = beam_size self.length_penalty = length_penalty self.coverage_penalty = coverage_penalty self._state_reorder_flags = None self.tflite_output_size = tflite_output_size
@property def num_hypotheses(self): return self.beam_size def _set_state_reorder_flags(self, state_reorder_flags): """Sets state reorder flags, a structure matching the decoder state that indicates which tensor should be reorded during beam search. """ self._state_reorder_flags = state_reorder_flags
[docs] def initialize(self, start_ids, attention_size=None): batch_size = tf.shape(start_ids)[0] start_ids = tfa.seq2seq.tile_batch(start_ids, self.beam_size) finished = tf.zeros([batch_size * self.beam_size], dtype=tf.bool) # Give all probability to first beam for the first iteration. initial_log_probs = tf.tile( [0.0] + [-float("inf")] * (self.beam_size - 1), [batch_size] ) if self.tflite_output_size is not None: parent_ids = tf.TensorArray( tf.int32, size=self.tflite_output_size, dynamic_size=False, element_shape=tf.TensorShape(None), ) else: parent_ids = tf.TensorArray(tf.int32, size=0, dynamic_size=True) extra_vars = { "parent_ids": parent_ids, "sequence_lengths": tf.zeros([batch_size * self.beam_size], dtype=tf.int32), } if self.coverage_penalty != 0: if attention_size is None: raise ValueError( "The attention size should be known to support coverage penalty" ) extra_vars["accumulated_attention"] = tf.zeros( [batch_size * self.beam_size, attention_size] ) return start_ids, finished, initial_log_probs, extra_vars
def _get_scores( self, log_probs, sequence_lengths, finished, accumulated_attention=None ): scores = log_probs if self.length_penalty != 0: expand_sequence_lengths = tf.expand_dims(sequence_lengths, 1) scores /= tf.pow( ((5.0 + tf.cast(expand_sequence_lengths + 1, scores.dtype)) / 6.0), self.length_penalty, ) if self.coverage_penalty != 0: # Mask out of range steps with ones (log(1) == 0). accumulated_attention = tf.where( tf.equal(accumulated_attention, 0.0), x=tf.ones_like(accumulated_attention), y=accumulated_attention, ) coverage_penalty = tf.reduce_sum( tf.math.log(tf.minimum(accumulated_attention, 1.0)), 1 ) # Apply coverage penalty to finished predictions. coverage_penalty *= tf.cast(finished, coverage_penalty.dtype) scores += self.coverage_penalty * tf.expand_dims(coverage_penalty, 1) return scores
[docs] def step( self, step, sampler, log_probs, cum_log_probs, finished, state=None, attention=None, **kwargs ): parent_ids = kwargs["parent_ids"] sequence_lengths = kwargs["sequence_lengths"] if self.coverage_penalty != 0: if attention is None: raise ValueError( "Coverage penalty is enabled but the model did not " "return an attention vector" ) not_finished = tf.math.logical_not(finished) attention *= tf.expand_dims(tf.cast(not_finished, attention.dtype), 1) accumulated_attention = kwargs["accumulated_attention"] + attention else: accumulated_attention = None # Compute scores from log probabilities. vocab_size = log_probs.shape[-1] total_probs = log_probs + tf.expand_dims( cum_log_probs, 1 ) # Add current beam probability. scores = self._get_scores( total_probs, sequence_lengths, finished, accumulated_attention=accumulated_attention, ) scores = tf.reshape(scores, [-1, self.beam_size * vocab_size]) total_probs = tf.reshape(total_probs, [-1, self.beam_size * vocab_size]) # Sample predictions. sample_ids, sample_scores = sampler(scores, num_samples=self.beam_size) cum_log_probs = tf.reshape( _gather_from_word_indices(total_probs, sample_ids), [-1] ) sample_ids = tf.reshape(sample_ids, [-1]) sample_scores = tf.reshape(sample_scores, [-1]) # Resolve beam origin and word ids. word_ids = sample_ids % vocab_size beam_ids = sample_ids // vocab_size beam_indices = ( tf.range(tf.shape(word_ids)[0]) // self.beam_size ) * self.beam_size + beam_ids # Update sequence_length of unfinished sequence. sequence_lengths = tf.where( finished, x=sequence_lengths, y=sequence_lengths + 1 ) # Update state and flags. finished = tf.gather(finished, beam_indices) sequence_lengths = tf.gather(sequence_lengths, beam_indices) parent_ids = parent_ids.write(step, beam_ids) extra_vars = { "parent_ids": parent_ids, "sequence_lengths": sequence_lengths, } if accumulated_attention is not None: extra_vars["accumulated_attention"] = tf.gather( accumulated_attention, beam_indices ) if state is not None: state = _reorder_state( state, beam_indices, reorder_flags=self._state_reorder_flags ) return word_ids, cum_log_probs, finished, state, extra_vars
[docs] def finalize(self, outputs, end_id, attention=None, **kwargs): parent_ids = kwargs["parent_ids"] sequence_lengths = kwargs["sequence_lengths"] maximum_lengths = tf.reduce_max( tf.reshape(sequence_lengths, [-1, self.beam_size]), axis=-1 ) max_time = outputs.size() array_shape = [max_time, -1, self.beam_size] step_ids = tf.reshape(outputs.stack(), array_shape) parent_ids = tf.reshape(parent_ids.stack(), array_shape) ids = _gather_tree(step_ids, parent_ids, maximum_lengths, end_id) ids = tf.transpose(ids, perm=[1, 2, 0]) lengths = _lengths_from_ids(ids, end_id) if attention is not None: attention = _gather_tree_from_array(attention.stack(), parent_ids, lengths) attention = tf.transpose(attention, perm=[1, 0, 2]) attention = tf.reshape( attention, [tf.shape(ids)[0], self.beam_size, max_time, -1] ) return ids, attention, lengths
[docs]class DecodingResult( collections.namedtuple( "DecodingResult", ("ids", "lengths", "log_probs", "attention", "state") ) ): """Final decoding result. Args: ids: The predicted ids of shape :math:`[B, H, T_t]`. lengths: The produced sequences length of shape :math:`[B, H]`. log_probs: The cumulated log probabilities of shape :math:`[B, H]`. attention: The attention history of shape :math:`[B, H, T_t, T_s]`. state: The final decoding state. """
[docs]def dynamic_decode( symbols_to_logits_fn, start_ids, end_id=constants.END_OF_SENTENCE_ID, initial_state=None, decoding_strategy=None, sampler=None, maximum_iterations=None, minimum_iterations=0, attention_history=False, attention_size=None, tflite_output_size=None, ): """Dynamic decoding. Args: symbols_to_logits_fn: A callable taking ``(symbols, step, state)`` and returning ``(logits, state, attention)`` (``attention`` is optional). start_ids: Initial input IDs of shape :math:`[B]`. end_id: ID of the end of sequence token. initial_state: Initial decoder state. decoding_strategy: A :class:`opennmt.utils.DecodingStrategy` instance that defines the decoding logic. Defaults to a greedy search. sampler: A :class:`opennmt.utils.Sampler` instance that samples predictions from the model output. Defaults to an argmax sampling. maximum_iterations: The maximum number of iterations to decode for. minimum_iterations: The minimum number of iterations to decode for. attention_history: Gather attention history during the decoding. attention_size: If known, the size of the attention vectors (i.e. the maximum source length). tflite_output_size: If not None will run TFLite safe, is the size of 1D output tensor. Returns: A :class:`opennmt.utils.DecodingResult` instance. """ if initial_state is None: initial_state = {} if decoding_strategy is None: decoding_strategy = GreedySearch() if sampler is None: sampler = BestSampler() is_tflite_run = tflite_output_size is not None def _cond( step, finished, state, inputs, outputs, attention, cum_log_probs, extra_vars ): return tf.reduce_any(tf.logical_not(finished)) def _body( step, finished, state, inputs, outputs, attention, cum_log_probs, extra_vars ): # Get log probs from the model. result = symbols_to_logits_fn(inputs, step, state) logits, state = result[0], result[1] attn = result[2] if len(result) > 2 else None logits = tf.cast(logits, tf.float32) # Penalize or force EOS. batch_size, vocab_size = misc.shape_list(logits) eos_max_prob = tf.one_hot( tf.fill([batch_size], end_id), vocab_size, on_value=logits.dtype.max, off_value=logits.dtype.min, ) logits = tf.cond( step < minimum_iterations, true_fn=lambda: _penalize_token(logits, end_id), false_fn=lambda: tf.where( tf.broadcast_to(tf.expand_dims(finished, -1), tf.shape(logits)), x=eos_max_prob, y=logits, ), ) log_probs = tf.nn.log_softmax(logits) # Run one decoding strategy step. ( output, next_cum_log_probs, finished, state, extra_vars, ) = decoding_strategy.step( step, sampler, log_probs, cum_log_probs, finished, state=state, attention=attn, **extra_vars, ) # Update loop vars. outputs = outputs.write(step, output) if attention_history: if attn is None: raise ValueError( "attention_history is set but the model did not return attention" ) attention = attention.write(step, tf.cast(attn, tf.float32)) cum_log_probs = tf.where(finished, x=cum_log_probs, y=next_cum_log_probs) finished = tf.logical_or(finished, tf.equal(output, end_id)) return ( step + 1, finished, state, output, outputs, attention, cum_log_probs, extra_vars, ) start_ids = tf.convert_to_tensor(start_ids) ids_dtype = start_ids.dtype start_ids = tf.cast(start_ids, tf.int32) start_ids, finished, initial_log_probs, extra_vars = decoding_strategy.initialize( start_ids, attention_size=attention_size ) step = tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int32) if is_tflite_run: output_shape = tf.TensorShape(None) outputs = tf.TensorArray( tf.int32, size=tflite_output_size, dynamic_size=False, element_shape=output_shape, ) attn_shape = tf.TensorShape(None) attention = tf.TensorArray( tf.float32, size=tflite_output_size, dynamic_size=False, element_shape=attn_shape, ) maximum_iterations = ( tflite_output_size if maximum_iterations > tflite_output_size else maximum_iterations ) else: output_shape = tf.TensorShape(None) outputs = tf.TensorArray(tf.int32, size=0, dynamic_size=True) attn_shape = tf.TensorShape(None) attention = tf.TensorArray(tf.float32, size=0, dynamic_size=True) _, _, state, _, outputs, attention, log_probs, extra_vars = tf.while_loop( _cond, _body, loop_vars=( step, finished, initial_state, start_ids, outputs, attention, initial_log_probs, extra_vars, ), shape_invariants=( step.shape, finished.shape, tf.nest.map_structure(_get_shape_invariants, initial_state), start_ids.shape, output_shape, attn_shape, initial_log_probs.shape, tf.nest.map_structure(_get_shape_invariants, extra_vars), ), parallel_iterations=1, maximum_iterations=maximum_iterations, ) ids, attention, lengths = decoding_strategy.finalize( outputs, end_id, attention=attention if attention_history else None, **extra_vars, ) if attention is not None: attention = attention[:, :, :-1] # Ignore attention for </s>. log_probs = tf.reshape(log_probs, [-1, decoding_strategy.num_hypotheses]) ids = tf.cast(ids, ids_dtype) return DecodingResult( ids=ids, lengths=lengths, log_probs=log_probs, attention=attention, state=state )
def _reorder_state(state, indices, reorder_flags=None): """Gather batch indices from the state tensors.""" def _reorder_one(tensor, reorder=True): if not reorder or isinstance(tensor, tf.TensorArray) or tensor.shape.ndims == 0: return tensor return tf.gather(tensor, indices) args = [state] if reorder_flags is not None: tf.nest.assert_same_structure(state, reorder_flags) args.append(reorder_flags) return tf.nest.map_structure(_reorder_one, *args) def _get_shape_invariants(tensor): """Returns the shape of the tensor but sets middle dims to None.""" if isinstance(tensor, tf.TensorArray): shape = None else: shape = tensor.shape.as_list() for i in range(1, len(shape) - 1): shape[i] = None return tf.TensorShape(shape) def _penalize_token(log_probs, token_id, penalty=-1e7): """Penalize token probabilities.""" depth = log_probs.shape[-1] penalty = tf.one_hot([token_id], depth, on_value=tf.cast(penalty, log_probs.dtype)) return log_probs + penalty def _sample_from(logits, num_samples, temperature=None): """Sample N values from the unscaled probability distribution.""" if temperature is not None: logits /= tf.cast(temperature, logits.dtype) return tf.random.categorical(logits, num_samples, dtype=tf.int32) def _gather_from_word_indices(tensor, indices): """Index the depth dim of a 2D tensor.""" return tf.gather(tensor, indices, axis=-1, batch_dims=1) def _lengths_from_ids(ids, end_id): """Compute sequence lengths from word ids.""" lengths = tf.not_equal(ids, end_id) lengths = tf.cast(lengths, tf.int32) lengths = tf.reduce_sum(lengths, axis=-1) return lengths # The gather_tree functions are imported from TensorFlow Addons: # # # We do not use the Addons version because the public gather_tree function is # wrapped by a tf.function. This should not be an issue, but the function is # unexpectedly garbage collected in our test suite. def _gather_tree(step_ids, parent_ids, max_sequence_lengths, end_token): """Calculates the full beams from the per-step ids and parent beam ids. For a given beam, past the time step containing the first decoded ``end_token`` all values are filled in with ``end_token``. Args: step_ids: The predicted token IDs. A ``int32`` Tensor of shape ``[max_time, batch_size, beam_width]``. parent_ids: The parent beam indices. A ``int32`` Tensor of shape ``[max_time, batch_size, beam_width]``. max_sequence_lengths: The maximum sequence length of each batch. A ``int32`` Tensor of shape ``[batch_size]``. end_token: The end token ID. Returns: The reordered token IDs based on ``parent_ids``. Raises: InvalidArgumentError: if ``parent_ids`` contains an invalid index. """ input_shape = tf.shape(parent_ids) max_time = input_shape[0] beam_width = input_shape[2] max_sequence_lengths = tf.math.minimum(max_sequence_lengths, max_time) mask = tf.expand_dims( tf.transpose(tf.sequence_mask(max_sequence_lengths, maxlen=max_time)), -1 ) # Mask out of range ids. end_tokens = tf.fill(input_shape, end_token) step_ids = tf.where(mask, x=step_ids, y=end_tokens) parent_ids = tf.where(mask, x=parent_ids, y=tf.zeros_like(parent_ids)) assert_op = tf.debugging.Assert( tf.math.reduce_all( tf.math.logical_and(parent_ids >= 0, parent_ids < beam_width) ), ["All parent ids must be positive and less than beam_width"], ) # Reverse all sequences as we need to gather from the end. with tf.control_dependencies([assert_op]): rev_step_ids = tf.reverse_sequence( step_ids, max_sequence_lengths, seq_axis=0, batch_axis=1 ) rev_parent_ids = tf.reverse_sequence( parent_ids, max_sequence_lengths, seq_axis=0, batch_axis=1 ) # Initialize output ids and parent based on last step. output_ids = tf.TensorArray(step_ids.dtype, size=max_time, dynamic_size=False) output_ids = output_ids.write(0, rev_step_ids[0]) parent = rev_parent_ids[0] # For each step, gather ids based on beam origin. for t in tf.range(1, max_time): ids = tf.gather(rev_step_ids[t], parent, batch_dims=1) parent = tf.gather(rev_parent_ids[t], parent, batch_dims=1) output_ids = output_ids.write(t, ids) # Reverse sequences to their original order. output_ids = output_ids.stack() output_ids = tf.reverse_sequence( output_ids, max_sequence_lengths, seq_axis=0, batch_axis=1 ) # Ensure that there are only end_token after the first end_token. in_bound_steps = tf.math.cumsum(tf.cast(output_ids == end_token, tf.int32)) == 0 output_ids = tf.where(in_bound_steps, x=output_ids, y=end_tokens) return output_ids def _gather_tree_from_array(t, parent_ids, sequence_length): """Calculates the full beams for a ``TensorArray``. Args: t: A stacked ``TensorArray`` of size ``max_time`` that contains Tensors of shape ``[batch_size, beam_width, s]`` or ``[batch_size * beam_width, s]`` where ``s`` is the depth shape. parent_ids: The parent ids of shape ``[max_time, batch_size, beam_width]``. sequence_length: The sequence length of shape ``[batch_size, beam_width]``. Returns: A Tensor which is a stacked ``TensorArray`` of the same size and type as ``t`` and where beams are sorted in each Tensor according to ``parent_ids``. """ max_time = parent_ids.shape[0] or tf.shape(parent_ids)[0] batch_size = parent_ids.shape[1] or tf.shape(parent_ids)[1] beam_width = parent_ids.shape[2] or tf.shape(parent_ids)[2] # Generate beam ids that will be reordered by gather_tree. beam_ids = tf.reshape(tf.range(beam_width), [1, 1, -1]) beam_ids = tf.tile(beam_ids, [max_time, batch_size, 1]) max_sequence_lengths = tf.cast(tf.reduce_max(sequence_length, axis=1), tf.int32) sorted_beam_ids = _gather_tree( step_ids=beam_ids, parent_ids=parent_ids, max_sequence_lengths=max_sequence_lengths, end_token=beam_width + 1, ) # For out of range steps, simply copy the same beam. in_bound_steps = tf.transpose( tf.sequence_mask(sequence_length, maxlen=max_time), perm=[2, 0, 1] ) sorted_beam_ids = tf.where(in_bound_steps, x=sorted_beam_ids, y=beam_ids) # Gather from a tensor with collapsed additional dimensions. final_shape = tf.shape(t) gather_from = tf.reshape(t, [max_time, batch_size, beam_width, -1]) ordered = tf.gather(gather_from, sorted_beam_ids, axis=2, batch_dims=2) ordered = tf.reshape(ordered, final_shape) return ordered