Frequently Asked Questions
How to count the number of epochs?
OpenNMT-tf uses a step-based training that makes it difficult to track the number of epochs over the dataset. However, it is possible to run the training epoch by epoch with the following configuration:
max_step: null
single_pass: true
and then:
onmt-main [...] train # 1st epoch
onmt-main [...] train # 2nd epoch
which you can wrap in a shell loop for example.
How to continue training with different optimization settings?
By default, OpenNMT-tf continues the training where it left off, including the state of the optimizer. To change the optimization settings, the recommended approach is to start a fresh training and only load the model weights from the previous checkpoint:
Set a new model directory, either with the command line option
or in the configuration fieldmodel_dir
Set the command line option
to the checkpoint where model weights should be loaded
How can I restrict the TensorFlow runtime to specific GPU?
environment variable, e.g.:
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=0,1 onmt-main [...]