Source code for opennmt.models.language_model

"""Language model."""

import copy

import tensorflow as tf

from opennmt import config as config_util
from opennmt import inputters
from opennmt.models import model
from opennmt.utils import decoding, losses, misc

[docs]class LanguageModel(model.SequenceGenerator): """A language model."""
[docs] def __init__(self, decoder, embedding_size=None, reuse_embedding=True): """Initializes the language model. Args: decoder: A :class:`opennmt.decoders.Decoder` instance. embedding_size: The size of the word embedding. If not set, pretrained embeddings should be defined in the configuration. reuse_embedding: If ``True``, reuse the embedding weights in the output layer. Raises: ValueError: if the decoder type is invalid. """ inputter = LanguageModelInputter(embedding_size=embedding_size) super().__init__(inputter) self.decoder = decoder self.reuse_embedding = reuse_embedding
@property def features_inputter(self): # Enable inference mode for the returned inputter. features_inputter = copy.copy(super().features_inputter) features_inputter.inference = True return features_inputter
[docs] def auto_config(self, num_replicas=1): config = super().auto_config(num_replicas=num_replicas) return config_util.merge_config( config, { "infer": { "length_bucket_width": 1 # To ensure fixed length in each batch. } }, )
[docs] def initialize(self, data_config, params=None): super().initialize(data_config, params=params) self.decoder.initialize(vocab_size=self.examples_inputter.vocabulary_size)
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): super().build(input_shape) if self.reuse_embedding: self.decoder.reuse_embeddings(self.examples_inputter.embedding)
[docs] def call(self, features, labels=None, training=None, step=None): outputs, predictions = None, None length = features["length"] ids = features["ids"] ids_out = features.get("ids_out") if ids_out is not None: # For training and evaluation, forward the full sequence. logits, _ = self._decode(ids, length, training=training) outputs = dict(logits=logits) else: assert_fixed_length = tf.debugging.Assert( tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(length, tf.reduce_max(length))), [ "Language model does not support variable length contexts during " "generation, consider setting batch_size or length_bucket_width to 1" ], ) assert_non_empty_start = tf.debugging.Assert( tf.math.not_equal(tf.math.reduce_max(length), 0), [ "The language model requires a context sequence to initialize the decoding. " "If you want nonconditional sequence generation, you should configure the " "sequence_controls parameter before training." ], ) # Run decoder on the context, if any. with tf.control_dependencies([assert_fixed_length, assert_non_empty_start]): context_ids, start_ids = tf.split( ids, [tf.shape(ids)[1] - 1, 1], axis=1 ) context_length = length - 1 batch_size = tf.shape(context_length)[0] state = tf.cond( tf.equal(tf.reduce_sum(context_length), 0), true_fn=lambda: self.decoder.initial_state( batch_size=batch_size, dtype=self.dtype ), false_fn=lambda: self._decode(context_ids, context_length)[1], ) params = self.params def _decode_with_step_offset(ids, step, state): return self._decode(ids, step + context_length[0], state) # Iteratively decode from the last decoder state. sampled_ids, sampled_length, _, _, _ = decoding.dynamic_decode( _decode_with_step_offset, tf.squeeze(start_ids, 1), initial_state=state, sampler=decoding.Sampler.from_params(params), maximum_iterations=params.get("maximum_decoding_length", 250), minimum_iterations=params.get("minimum_decoding_length", 0), ) sampled_ids = tf.reshape(sampled_ids, [batch_size, -1]) sampled_length = tf.reshape(sampled_length, [batch_size]) # Build the full prediction. if self.features_inputter.mark_start: # Remove leading <s> if included in the context sequence. ids = ids[:, 1:] length -= 1 full_ids = tf.concat([ids, sampled_ids], 1) full_length = length + sampled_length tokens = self.features_inputter.ids_to_tokens.lookup(full_ids) predictions = dict(tokens=tokens, length=full_length) return outputs, predictions
def _decode(self, ids, length_or_step, state=None, training=None): # Decode from ids. inputs = self.examples_inputter({"ids": ids}, training=training) logits, state, _ = self.decoder( inputs, length_or_step, state=state, training=training ) return logits, state
[docs] def compute_loss(self, outputs, labels, training=True): return losses.cross_entropy_sequence_loss( outputs["logits"], labels["ids_out"], labels["length"], label_smoothing=self.params.get("label_smoothing", 0.0), average_in_time=self.params.get("average_loss_in_time", False), training=training, )
[docs] def format_prediction(self, prediction, params=None): target_length = prediction["length"] tokens = prediction["tokens"][:target_length] sentence = self.examples_inputter.tokenizer.detokenize(tokens) return misc.format_translation_output(sentence)
[docs]class LanguageModelInputter(inputters.WordEmbedder, inputters.ExampleInputterAdapter): """A special inputter for language modeling.""" @property def inference(self): """Inference mode.""" return not self.decoder_mode @inference.setter def inference(self, inference): """Sets the inference mode.""" if self.inference == inference: return if inference: self._saved_mark_end = self.mark_end self.set_decoder_mode(False, mark_end=False) else: self.set_decoder_mode(True, mark_end=getattr(self, "_saved_mark_end", None))
[docs] def initialize(self, data_config): super().initialize(data_config) # Set default sequence controls for backward compatibility. self.set_decoder_mode( mark_start=False if self.mark_start is None else None, mark_end=True if self.mark_end is None else None, )
[docs] def make_inference_dataset(self, *args, **kwargs): saved_inference = self.inference self.inference = True dataset = super().make_inference_dataset(*args, **kwargs) self.inference = saved_inference return dataset