Source code for opennmt.layers.rnn

"""RNN functions and classes for TensorFlow 2.0."""

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from opennmt.layers import common
from opennmt.layers import reducer as reducer_lib

[docs]class RNNCellWrapper(common.LayerWrapper): """A wrapper for RNN cells."""
[docs] def __init__( self, cell, input_dropout=0, output_dropout=0, residual_connection=False, **kwargs ): """Initializes the wrapper. Args: cell: The cell to wrap. input_dropout: The probability to drop units in the cell input. output_dropout: The probability to drop units in the cell output. residual_connection: Add the inputs to cell outputs (if their shape are compatible). kwargs: Additional layer arguments. """ super().__init__( cell, input_dropout=input_dropout, output_dropout=output_dropout, residual_connection=residual_connection, **kwargs, ) self.cell = cell
@property def state_size(self): """The cell state size.""" return self.cell.state_size @property def output_size(self): """The cell output size.""" return self.cell.output_size
[docs] def get_initial_state(self, inputs=None, batch_size=None, dtype=None): """Returns the initial cell state.""" return self.cell.get_initial_state( inputs=inputs, batch_size=batch_size, dtype=dtype )
[docs]def make_rnn_cell( num_layers, num_units, dropout=0, residual_connections=False, cell_class=None, **kwargs ): """Convenience function to build a multi-layer RNN cell. Args: num_layers: The number of layers. num_units: The number of units in each layer. dropout: The probability to drop units in each layer output. residual_connections: If ``True``, each layer input will be added to its output. cell_class: The inner cell class or a callable taking :obj:`num_units` as argument and returning a cell. Defaults to a LSTM cell. kwargs: Additional arguments passed to the cell constructor. Returns: A ``tf.keras.layers.StackedRNNCells`` instance. See Also: :class:`opennmt.layers.RNNCellWrapper` """ if cell_class is None: cell_class = tf.keras.layers.LSTMCell cells = [] for _ in range(num_layers): cell = cell_class(num_units, **kwargs) if dropout > 0 or residual_connections: cell = RNNCellWrapper( cell, output_dropout=dropout, residual_connection=residual_connections ) cells.append(cell) return tf.keras.layers.StackedRNNCells(cells)
class _RNNWrapper(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """Extend a RNN layer to possibly make it bidirectional and format its outputs.""" def __init__( self, rnn, bidirectional=False, reducer=reducer_lib.ConcatReducer(), **kwargs ): """Initializes the layer. Args: rnn: The RNN layer to extend, built with ``return_sequences`` and ``return_state`` enabled. bidirectional: Make this layer bidirectional. reducer: A :class:`opennmt.layers.Reducer` instance to merge bidirectional states and outputs. **kwargs: Additional layer arguments. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.rnn = rnn self.reducer = reducer self.bidirectional = bidirectional if bidirectional: self.rnn = tf.keras.layers.Bidirectional(self.rnn, merge_mode=None) def call(self, *args, **kwargs): """Forwards the arguments to the RNN layer. Args: *args: Positional arguments of the RNN layer. **kwargs: Keyword arguments of the RNN layer. Returns: A tuple with the output sequences and the states. """ outputs = self.rnn(*args, **kwargs) if self.bidirectional: sequences = outputs[0:2] states = outputs[2:] fwd_states = states[: len(states) // 2] bwd_states = states[len(states) // 2 :] if self.reducer is not None: sequences = self.reducer(sequences) states = tuple(self.reducer.zip_and_reduce(fwd_states, bwd_states)) else: sequences = tuple(sequences) states = (fwd_states, bwd_states) else: sequences = outputs[0] states = tuple(outputs[1:]) return sequences, states
[docs]class RNN(_RNNWrapper): """A simple RNN layer."""
[docs] def __init__( self, cell, bidirectional=False, reducer=reducer_lib.ConcatReducer(), **kwargs ): """Initializes the layer. Args: cell: The RNN cell to use. bidirectional: Make this layer bidirectional. reducer: A :class:`opennmt.layers.Reducer` instance to merge bidirectional states and outputs. **kwargs: Additional layer arguments. See Also: :func:`opennmt.layers.make_rnn_cell` """ rnn = tf.keras.layers.RNN(cell, return_sequences=True, return_state=True) super().__init__(rnn, bidirectional=bidirectional, reducer=reducer, **kwargs)
[docs] def map_v1_weights(self, weights): m = [] if self.bidirectional: weights = weights["bidirectional_rnn"] m += map_v1_weights_to_cell(self.rnn.forward_layer.cell, weights["fw"]) m += map_v1_weights_to_cell(self.rnn.backward_layer.cell, weights["bw"]) else: weights = weights["rnn"] m += map_v1_weights_to_cell(self.rnn.cell, weights) return m
[docs]class LSTM(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """A multi-layer LSTM. This differs from using :class:`opennmt.layers.RNN` with a ``LSTMCell`` in 2 ways: - It uses ``tf.keras.layers.LSTM`` which is possibly accelerated by cuDNN on GPU. - Bidirectional outputs of each layer are reduced before feeding them to the next layer. """
[docs] def __init__( self, num_layers, num_units, bidirectional=False, reducer=reducer_lib.ConcatReducer(), dropout=0, residual_connections=False, **kwargs ): """Initializes the layer. Args: num_layers: Number of stacked LSTM layers. num_units: Dimension of the output space of each LSTM. bidirectional: Make each layer bidirectional. reducer: A :class:`opennmt.layers.Reducer` instance to merge the bidirectional states and outputs of each layer. dropout: The probability to drop units in each layer output. residual_connections: If ``True``, each layer input will be added to its output. **kwargs: Additional layer arguments. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) rnn_layers = [ _RNNWrapper( tf.keras.layers.LSTM( num_units, return_sequences=True, return_state=True ), bidirectional=bidirectional, reducer=reducer, ) for _ in range(num_layers) ] self.layers = [ common.LayerWrapper( layer, output_dropout=dropout, residual_connection=residual_connections ) for layer in rnn_layers ]
[docs] def call(self, inputs, mask=None, training=None, initial_state=None): all_states = [] for i, layer in enumerate(self.layers): outputs, states = layer( inputs, mask=mask, training=training, initial_state=initial_state[i] if initial_state is not None else None, ) all_states.append(states) inputs = outputs return outputs, tuple(all_states)
def map_v1_weights_to_cell(cell, weights): """Maps V1 weights to V2 RNN cell.""" if isinstance(cell, RNNCellWrapper): cell = cell.cell if isinstance(cell, tf.keras.layers.StackedRNNCells): return _map_v1_weights_to_stacked_cells(cell, weights) elif isinstance( cell, (tf.keras.layers.LSTMCell, tf.compat.v1.keras.layers.LSTMCell) ): return _map_v1_weights_to_lstmcell(cell, weights) else: raise ValueError("Cannot restore V1 weights for cell %s" % str(cell)) def _map_v1_weights_to_stacked_cells(stacked_cells, weights): weights = weights["multi_rnn_cell"] m = [] for i, cell in enumerate(stacked_cells.cells): m += map_v1_weights_to_cell(cell, weights["cell_%d" % i]) return m def _map_v1_weights_to_lstmcell(cell, weights): weights = weights["lstm_cell"] def _upgrade_weight(weight): is_bias = len(weight.shape) == 1 i, j, f, o = np.split(weight, 4, axis=-1) if ( is_bias ): # Add forget_bias which is part of the LSTM formula in TensorFlow 1. f += 1 return np.concatenate((i, f, j, o), axis=-1) # Swap 2nd and 3rd projection. def _split_kernel(index): # TensorFlow 1 had a single kernel of shape [input_dim + units, 4 * units], # but TensorFlow 2 splits it into "kernel" and "recurrent_kernel". return tf.nest.map_structure( lambda w: np.split(w, [w.shape[0] - cell.units])[index], weights["kernel"] ) weights = tf.nest.map_structure(_upgrade_weight, weights) m = [] m.append((cell.kernel, _split_kernel(0))) m.append((cell.recurrent_kernel, _split_kernel(1))) if cell.use_bias: m.append((cell.bias, weights["bias"])) return m