Source code for

"""Dataset creation and transformations."""

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from opennmt.utils import compat, misc

def make_datasets(dataset_cls, filenames):
    """Creates instances of :obj:`dataset_cls`.

      dataset_cls: A class inheriting from ````.
      filenames: A list of filenames or a single filename.

      A list of ```` instances if multiple :obj:`filenames` are
      passed, otherwise a single ````.

      ValueError: if :obj:`filenames` is empty.
    if not isinstance(filenames, list):
        filenames = [filenames]
    elif not filenames:
        raise ValueError("At least one data file is required")
    datasets = [
            filename, compression_type="GZIP" if misc.is_gzip_file(filename) else None
        for filename in filenames
    if len(datasets) == 1:
        return datasets[0]
    return datasets

def normalize_weights(datasets, weights=None, sizes=None):
    """Returns normalized dataset weights based on datasets sizes.

      datasets: A list of ```` instances.
      weights: An optional list of dataset weights.
      sizes: The size of each dataset, if known.

      A normalized list of weights that can be used as sampling probabilities.

      ValueError: if the length of :obj:`weights` or :obj:`sizes` does not match
        the length of :obj:`datasets`.
    if not datasets:
        return []
    if len(datasets) == 1:
        return [1.0]

    if weights is None:
        weights = [1 / len(datasets)] * len(datasets)
    elif len(weights) != len(datasets):
        raise ValueError(
            "Got %d datasets but %d weights" % (len(datasets), len(weights))

    if sizes is None:
        sizes = [int(get_dataset_size(dataset)) for dataset in datasets]
    elif len(sizes) != len(datasets):
        raise ValueError("Got %d datasets but %d sizes" % (len(datasets), len(sizes)))

    # Weights should be normalized by the dataset size relative to the total size.
    total_size = sum(sizes)
    weights = [weight * (size / total_size) for weight, size in zip(weights, sizes)]

    # Convert weights to probabilities.
    total_weights = sum(weights)
    return [weight / total_weights for weight in weights]

def _get_output_shapes(dataset):
    """Returns the outputs shapes of the dataset.

      dataset: A ````.

      A nested structure of ``tf.TensorShape``
    return tf.nest.map_structure(lambda spec: spec.shape, dataset.element_spec)

[docs]def get_dataset_size(dataset, batch_size=5000): """Get the dataset size. Example: >>> dataset = >>> 5 Args: dataset: A dataset. batch_size: The batch size to use to improve the scan performance, or ``None`` to scan the dataset as-is. Returns: The dataset size or ``None`` if the dataset is infinite. """ if dataset.cardinality() == return None if batch_size is not None: dataset = dataset.batch(batch_size) def _reduce_func(count, element): element = tf.nest.flatten(element)[0] batch_size = tf.shape(element)[0] return count + tf.cast(batch_size, count.dtype) return dataset.reduce(tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int64), _reduce_func)
[docs]def filter_irregular_batches(multiple): """Transformation that filters out batches based on their size. Example: >>> dataset = >>> dataset = dataset.apply( >>> len(list(iter(dataset))) 3 Args: multiple: The divisor of the batch size. Returns: A ```` transformation. """ if multiple == 1: return lambda dataset: dataset def _predicate(*x): flat = tf.nest.flatten(x) batch_size = tf.shape(flat[0])[0] return tf.equal(batch_size % multiple, 0) return lambda dataset: dataset.filter(_predicate)
[docs]def filter_examples_by_length( maximum_features_length=None, maximum_labels_length=None, features_length_fn=None, labels_length_fn=None, ): """Transformation that filters out examples with zero length or length that is greater than the configured maximum. Example: >>> dataset = dataset.apply( Args: maximum_features_length: The maximum length or list of maximum lengths of the features sequence(s). ``None`` to not constrain the length. maximum_labels_length: The maximum length or list of maximum lengths of the labels sequence(s). ``None`` to not constrain the length. features_length_fn: A function mapping features to a sequence length. labels_length_fn: A function mapping labels to a sequence length. Returns: A ```` transformation. """ if features_length_fn is None and labels_length_fn is None: return lambda dataset: dataset def _length_constraints(lengths, maximum_lengths): # Work with lists of lengths which correspond to the general multi source case. if not isinstance(lengths, list): lengths = [lengths] if not isinstance(maximum_lengths, list): maximum_lengths = [maximum_lengths] # Unset maximum lengths are set to None (i.e. no constraint). maximum_lengths += [None] * (len(lengths) - len(maximum_lengths)) constraints = [] for length, maximum_length in zip(lengths, maximum_lengths): constraints.append(tf.greater(length, 0)) if maximum_length is not None: constraints.append(tf.less_equal(length, maximum_length)) return constraints def _predicate(features, labels): cond = [] features_length = ( features_length_fn(features) if features_length_fn is not None else None ) labels_length = ( labels_length_fn(labels) if labels_length_fn is not None else None ) if features_length is not None: cond.extend(_length_constraints(features_length, maximum_features_length)) if labels_length is not None: cond.extend(_length_constraints(labels_length, maximum_labels_length)) return tf.reduce_all(cond) return lambda dataset: dataset.filter(_predicate)
[docs]def make_cardinality_multiple_of(divisor): """Transformation that ensures that the dataset cardinality is a multiple of :obj:`divisor`. Example: >>> dataset = >>> dataset = dataset.apply( >>> len(list(iter(dataset))) 10 Args: divisor: The value that should divide the dataset size. Returns: A ```` transformation. Tip: This transformation is useful when training multiple replicas on a finite dataset. It ensures that each replica receives a non empty batch in the last training iteration. """ if divisor == 1: return lambda dataset: dataset def _continue_iter(num_consumed, element): # Continue iterating if the current element is from the original dataset or # if the number of consumed batches is not a multiple of divisor. is_original = element[0] return tf.math.logical_or( is_original, tf.math.not_equal(num_consumed % divisor, 0) ) def _retrieve_element(num_consumed, element): _ = num_consumed return element[1] def _transform(dataset): # Nothing to do for infinite datasets. if dataset.cardinality() == return dataset # Concatenate extra batches with a flag. extra_batches = dataset.repeat() dataset = *x: (tf.constant(True), x)) extra_batches = *x: (tf.constant(False), x)) dataset = dataset.concatenate(extra_batches) # Take all original batches and the number of extra batches required. dataset = dataset.enumerate() dataset = dataset.take_while(_continue_iter) return # Retrieve the element only. return _transform
[docs]def random_shard(shard_size, dataset_size): """Transformation that shards the dataset in a random order. Example: >>> dataset = >>> dataset = dataset.apply(, 6)) >>> list(dataset.as_numpy_iterator()) [0, 1, 4, 5, 2, 3] Args: shard_size: The number of examples in each shard. dataset_size: The total number of examples in the dataset. Returns: A ```` transformation. """ num_shards = -(-dataset_size // shard_size) # Ceil division. offsets = np.linspace( 0, dataset_size, num=num_shards, endpoint=False, dtype=np.int64 ) def _random_shard(dataset): sharded_dataset = sharded_dataset = sharded_dataset.shuffle(num_shards) sharded_dataset = sharded_dataset.flat_map( lambda offset: dataset.skip(offset).take(shard_size) ) return sharded_dataset return _random_shard
[docs]def shuffle_dataset(buffer_size, shuffle_shards=True, dataset_size=None): """Transformation that shuffles the dataset based on its size. Example: >>> dataset = >>> dataset = dataset.apply( >>> list(dataset.as_numpy_iterator()) [2, 3, 1, 0, 4, 5] Args: buffer_size: The number of elements from which to sample. shuffle_shards: When :obj:`buffer_size` is smaller than the dataset size, the dataset is first sharded in a random order to add another level of shuffling. dataset_size: If the dataset size is already known, it can be passed here to avoid a slower generic computation of the dataset size later. Returns: A ```` transformation. """ def _shuffle(dataset): sample_size = buffer_size if sample_size < 0 or shuffle_shards: total_size = dataset_size if total_size is None: total_size = get_dataset_size(dataset) tf.get_logger().info("Training on %d examples", total_size) if sample_size < 0: sample_size = total_size elif sample_size < total_size: dataset = dataset.apply(random_shard(sample_size, total_size)) dataset = dataset.shuffle(sample_size) return dataset return _shuffle
[docs]def batch_dataset(batch_size, padded_shapes=None): """Transformation that batches a dataset. Example: >>> dataset = dataset.apply( Args: batch_size: The batch size. padded_shapes: The padded shapes for this dataset. If ``None``, the shapes are automatically inferred from the dataset output shapes. Returns: A ```` transformation. See Also: :func:`` """ return lambda dataset: dataset.padded_batch( batch_size, padded_shapes=padded_shapes or _get_output_shapes(dataset) )
def get_length_bucket_boundaries(bucket_width, maximum_length): """Returns the list of length bucket boundaries. The list includes at least one full bucket past the maximum length. """ if maximum_length % bucket_width != 0: maximum_length += bucket_width - maximum_length % bucket_width last_boundary = maximum_length + bucket_width + 1 return list(range(bucket_width + 1, last_boundary + 1, bucket_width)) def get_bucket_batch_sizes( bucket_boundaries, batch_size, batch_type="examples", batch_size_multiple=1, ): """Returns the batch size to use for each length bucket.""" batch_sizes = [] for boundary in bucket_boundaries: if batch_type == "examples": bucket_batch_size = batch_size elif batch_type == "tokens": maximum_length = boundary - 1 bucket_batch_size = max(batch_size // maximum_length, 1) if batch_size_multiple > 1: # Reduce the batch size to the previous multiple to avoid increasing the memory usage. bucket_batch_size = max( bucket_batch_size - bucket_batch_size % batch_size_multiple, batch_size_multiple, ) batch_sizes.append(bucket_batch_size) # Batch size of 1 past the last bucket boundary. batch_sizes.append(1) return batch_sizes def get_element_length_func(length_fns): """Returns a function to get the length for a dataset element. If the dataset contains multiple parallel elements, the maximum length is returned. """ if not isinstance(length_fns, (list, tuple)): length_fns = [length_fns] def _func(*elements): if len(length_fns) != len(elements): raise ValueError( "%d length functions were passed but this dataset contains " "%d parallel elements" % (len(length_fns), len(elements)) ) # Get length of all parallel inputs. all_lengths = tf.nest.flatten( [ length_fn(features) if length_fn is not None else None for features, length_fn in zip(elements, length_fns) ] ) # Remove undefined lengths. all_lengths = [length for length in all_lengths if length is not None] if not all_lengths: raise ValueError( "The length should be defined for at least one dataset element" ) # Return the maximum length of all parallel elements. return tf.reduce_max(all_lengths) return _func
[docs]def batch_sequence_dataset( batch_size, batch_type="examples", batch_multiplier=1, batch_size_multiple=1, length_bucket_width=None, length_fn=None, maximum_length=None, pad_to_bucket_boundary=False, padded_shapes=None, ): """Transformation that batches a dataset of sequences. This implements an example-based and a token-based batching strategy with optional bucketing of sequences. Bucketing makes the batches contain sequences of similar lengths to optimize the training efficiency. For example, if :obj:`length_bucket_width` is 5, sequences will be organized by the following length buckets: 1 - 5 | 6 - 10 | 11 - 15 | ... Then when building the next batch, sequences will be selected from the same length bucket. If the dataset has parallel elements (e.g. a parallel source and target dataset), the element is assigned to the bucket corresponding to the maximum length of all parallel elements. Example: >>> dataset = dataset.apply( Args: batch_size: The batch size. batch_type: The training batching strategy to use: can be "examples" or "tokens". batch_multiplier: The batch size multiplier. batch_size_multiple: When :obj:`batch_type` is "tokens", ensure that the resulting batch size is a multiple of this value. length_bucket_width: The width of the length buckets to select batch candidates from. ``None`` to not constrain batch formation. length_fn: A function or list of functions (in case of a parallel dataset) that take features as argument and return the associated sequence length. maximum_length: If known, the maximum length or list of maximum lengths (in case of a parallel dataset). This argument is required with :obj:`pad_to_bucket_boundary`. pad_to_bucket_boundary: Pad each batch to the length bucket boundary. padded_shapes: The padded shapes for this dataset. If ``None``, the shapes are automatically inferred from the dataset output shapes. Returns: A ```` transformation. Raises: ValueError: if :obj:`batch_type` is not one of "examples" or "tokens". ValueError: if :obj:`batch_type` is "tokens" but :obj:`length_bucket_width` is not set. ValueError: if the number of length functions in :obj:`length_fn` does not match the number of parallel elements. See Also: :func:`` """ if batch_type not in ("examples", "tokens"): raise ValueError( "Invalid batch type: '{}'; should be 'examples' or 'tokens'".format( batch_type ) ) batch_size = batch_size * batch_multiplier if length_bucket_width is None: if batch_type == "tokens": raise ValueError( "Batch type 'tokens' requires length bucketing (the parameter " "length_bucket_width should be non null)" ) return batch_dataset(batch_size, padded_shapes=padded_shapes) element_length_func = get_element_length_func(length_fn) if pad_to_bucket_boundary: maximum_lengths = tf.nest.flatten(maximum_length) maximum_lengths = [length for length in maximum_lengths if length is not None] if not maximum_lengths: raise ValueError( "The maximum lengths should be known when padding batches to the length " "bucket boundaries" ) bucket_boundaries = get_length_bucket_boundaries( length_bucket_width, max(maximum_lengths) ) batch_sizes = get_bucket_batch_sizes( bucket_boundaries, batch_size, batch_type=batch_type, batch_size_multiple=batch_size_multiple, ) return lambda dataset: dataset.bucket_by_sequence_length( element_length_func, bucket_boundaries, batch_sizes, padded_shapes=padded_shapes, pad_to_bucket_boundary=pad_to_bucket_boundary, drop_remainder=True, ) def _key_func(*args): length = element_length_func(*args) bucket_id = tf.math.maximum( tf.cast(tf.math.ceil(length / length_bucket_width) - 1, tf.int64), tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.int64), ) return bucket_id def _reduce_func(unused_key, dataset): return dataset.apply(batch_dataset(batch_size, padded_shapes=padded_shapes)) def _window_size_func(key): bucket_max_length = (key + 1) * length_bucket_width size = batch_size // bucket_max_length # Round to the closest smaller or equal multiple. size = (size // batch_size_multiple) * batch_size_multiple return tf.math.maximum(size, batch_size_multiple) kwargs = {} if batch_type == "examples": kwargs["window_size"] = batch_size elif batch_type == "tokens": kwargs["window_size_func"] = _window_size_func return lambda dataset: dataset.group_by_window(_key_func, _reduce_func, **kwargs)
[docs]def training_pipeline( batch_size, batch_type="examples", batch_multiplier=1, batch_size_multiple=1, process_fn=None, transform_fns=None, length_bucket_width=None, pad_to_bucket_boundary=False, features_length_fn=None, labels_length_fn=None, maximum_features_length=None, maximum_labels_length=None, single_pass=False, num_shards=1, shard_index=0, num_threads=None, dataset_size=None, shuffle_buffer_size=None, prefetch_buffer_size=None, cardinality_multiple=1, ): """Transformation that applies most of the dataset operations commonly used for training on sequence data: * sharding * shuffling * processing * filtering * bucketization * batching * prefetching Example: >>> dataset = dataset.apply( Args: batch_size: The batch size to use. batch_type: The training batching strategy to use: can be "examples" or "tokens". batch_multiplier: The batch size multiplier. batch_size_multiple: When :obj:`batch_type` is "tokens", ensure that the resulting batch size is a multiple of this value. process_fn: The processing function to apply on each element. transform_fns: List of dataset transformation functions (applied after :obj:`process_fn` if defined). length_bucket_width: The width of the length buckets to select batch candidates from. ``None`` to not constrain batch formation. features_length_fn: A function mapping features to a sequence length. labels_length_fn: A function mapping labels to a sequence length. maximum_features_length: The maximum length or list of maximum lengths of the features sequence(s). ``None`` to not constrain the length. maximum_labels_length: The maximum length of the labels sequence. ``None`` to not constrain the length. single_pass: If ``True``, makes a single pass over the training data. num_shards: The number of data shards (usually the number of workers in a distributed setting). shard_index: The shard index this data pipeline should read from. num_threads: The number of elements processed in parallel. dataset_size: If the dataset size is already known, it can be passed here to avoid a slower generic computation of the dataset size later. shuffle_buffer_size: The number of elements from which to sample. prefetch_buffer_size: The number of batches to prefetch asynchronously. If ``None``, use an automatically tuned value. cardinality_multiple: Ensure that the dataset cardinality is a multiple of this value when :obj:`single_pass` is ``True``. Returns: A ```` transformation. See Also: - :func:`` - :func:`` - :func:`` - :func:`` - :func:`` """ if dataset_size is not None and num_shards > 1: # Update dataset_size based on the shard size. if isinstance(dataset_size, list): dataset_size = [size // num_shards for size in dataset_size] else: dataset_size //= num_shards def _make_weighted_dataset(datasets, weights): if single_pass: raise ValueError( "single_pass parameter is not compatible with weighted datasets" ) if not datasets: raise ValueError("At least one dataset is required") if weights is not None and len(weights) != len(datasets): raise ValueError( "%d dataset weights were provided, but %d were expected to match the " "number of data files" % (len(weights), len(datasets)) ) if num_shards > 1: datasets = [dataset.shard(num_shards, shard_index) for dataset in datasets] weights = normalize_weights(datasets, weights=weights, sizes=dataset_size) datasets = [dataset.repeat() for dataset in datasets] # TODO: clean this API when TensorFlow requirement is updated to >=2.7. if compat.tf_supports("data.Dataset.sample_from_datasets"): dataset =, weights=weights) else: dataset = datasets, weights=weights ) if shuffle_buffer_size is not None and shuffle_buffer_size != 0: if shuffle_buffer_size < 0: raise ValueError( "shuffle_buffer_size < 0 is not compatible with weighted datasets" ) dataset = dataset.shuffle(shuffle_buffer_size) return dataset def _make_single_dataset(dataset): if num_shards > 1: dataset = dataset.shard(num_shards, shard_index) if shuffle_buffer_size is not None and shuffle_buffer_size != 0: dataset = dataset.apply( shuffle_dataset(shuffle_buffer_size, dataset_size=dataset_size) ) return dataset def _pipeline(dataset): if isinstance(dataset, tuple): dataset, weights = dataset else: weights = None is_weighted_dataset = isinstance(dataset, list) if is_weighted_dataset: dataset = _make_weighted_dataset(dataset, weights) else: dataset = _make_single_dataset(dataset) if process_fn is not None: dataset =, num_parallel_calls=num_threads or 4) if transform_fns is not None: for transform_fn in transform_fns: dataset = dataset.apply(transform_fn) else: dataset = dataset.apply( filter_examples_by_length( maximum_features_length=maximum_features_length, maximum_labels_length=maximum_labels_length, features_length_fn=features_length_fn, labels_length_fn=labels_length_fn, ) ) length_fn = [features_length_fn] if labels_length_fn is not None: length_fn.append(labels_length_fn) maximum_length = [maximum_features_length] if maximum_labels_length is not None: maximum_length.append(maximum_labels_length) dataset = dataset.apply( batch_sequence_dataset( batch_size, batch_type=batch_type, batch_multiplier=batch_multiplier, batch_size_multiple=batch_size_multiple, length_bucket_width=length_bucket_width, length_fn=length_fn, maximum_length=maximum_length, pad_to_bucket_boundary=pad_to_bucket_boundary, ) ) dataset = dataset.apply(filter_irregular_batches(batch_multiplier)) if not single_pass: if not is_weighted_dataset: # Weighted dataset is repeated before sampling. dataset = dataset.repeat() else: dataset = dataset.apply(make_cardinality_multiple_of(cardinality_multiple)) dataset = dataset.prefetch(prefetch_buffer_size) return dataset return _pipeline
[docs]def inference_pipeline( batch_size, batch_type="examples", process_fn=None, transform_fns=None, length_bucket_width=None, length_fn=None, num_threads=None, prefetch_buffer_size=None, ): """Transformation that applies dataset operations for inference. Example: >>> dataset = dataset.apply( Args: batch_size: The batch size to use. batch_type: The batching strategy to use: can be "examples" or "tokens". process_fn: The processing function to apply on each element. transform_fns: List of dataset transformation functions (applied after :obj:`process_fn` if defined). length_bucket_width: The width of the length buckets to select batch candidates from. If set, this means the inference pipeline will be reordered based on the examples length, the application is then responsible to restore the predictions in order. An "index" key will be inserted in the examples dictionary. length_fn: A function mapping features to a sequence length. num_threads: The number of elements processed in parallel. prefetch_buffer_size: The number of batches to prefetch asynchronously. If ``None``, use an automatically tuned value. Returns: A ```` transformation. Raises: ValueError: if :obj:`length_bucket_width` is set but not :obj:`length_fn`. ValueError: if :obj:`length_bucket_width` is set but the dataset does not output a dictionary structure. """ def _inject_index(index, x): if isinstance(x, tuple): features = x[0] else: features = x features["index"] = index return x def _pipeline(dataset): if process_fn is not None: dataset =, num_parallel_calls=num_threads) if transform_fns is not None: for transform_fn in transform_fns: dataset = dataset.apply(transform_fn) if length_bucket_width is not None and length_bucket_width > 0: if length_fn is None: raise ValueError("length_fn is required when reordering by length") output_shapes = _get_output_shapes(dataset) if isinstance(output_shapes, tuple): num_length_fn = ( len(length_fn) if isinstance(length_fn, (list, tuple)) else 1 ) if len(output_shapes) != num_length_fn: raise ValueError( "The dataset outputs %d parallel features, but got %d " "length functions" % (len(output_shapes), num_length_fn) ) output_shapes = output_shapes[0] if not isinstance(output_shapes, dict): raise ValueError( "Reordering by length expects dataset elements to be Python dicts" ) dataset = dataset.enumerate() dataset = dataset = dataset.apply( batch_sequence_dataset( batch_size, batch_type=batch_type, length_bucket_width=length_bucket_width, length_fn=length_fn, ) ) else: dataset = dataset.apply(batch_dataset(batch_size)) dataset = dataset.prefetch(prefetch_buffer_size) return dataset return _pipeline