Source code for opennmt.config

"""Defines functions related to configuration files."""

import copy
import importlib
import os
import sys

import tensorflow as tf
import yaml

from opennmt.models import catalog
from opennmt.optimizers import utils as optimizers_lib
from opennmt.schedules import lr_schedules as schedules_lib
from opennmt.utils.misc import merge_dict


def load_model_module(path):
    """Loads a model configuration file.

      path: The relative path to the configuration file.

      A Python module.

      ValueError: if :obj:`path` is invalid.
      ImportError: if the module in :obj:`path` does not define a model.
    if not os.path.exists(path):
        raise ValueError("Model configuration not found in %s" % path)
    dirname, filename = os.path.split(path)
    module_name, _ = os.path.splitext(filename)
    sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(dirname))
    module = importlib.import_module(module_name)

    if not hasattr(module, "model"):
        raise ImportError("No model defined in {}".format(path))

    return module

def load_model_from_file(path, as_builder=False):
    """Loads a model from a configuration file.

      path: The relative path to the configuration file.
      as_builder: If ``True``, return a callable building the model on call.

      A :class:`opennmt.models.Model` instance or a callable returning such
    module = load_model_module(path)
    model = module.model
    if not as_builder:
        model = model()
    del sys.path_importer_cache[os.path.dirname(module.__file__)]
    del sys.modules[module.__name__]
    return model

def load_model_from_catalog(name, as_builder=False):
    """Loads a model from the catalog.

      name: The model name.
      as_builder: If ``True``, return a callable building the model on call.

      A :class:`opennmt.models.Model` instance or a callable returning such

      ValueError: if the model :obj:`name` does not exist in the model catalog.
    return catalog.get_model_from_catalog(name, as_builder=as_builder)

[docs]def load_model( model_dir, model_file=None, model_name=None, serialize_model=True, as_builder=False ): """Loads the model from the catalog or a definition file. Args: model_dir: The model directory. model_file: An optional model configuration. Mutually exclusive with :obj:`model_name`. model_name: An optional model name from the catalog. Mutually exclusive with :obj:`model_file`. serialize_model: Serialize the model definition in the model directory to make it optional for future runs. as_builder: If ``True``, return a callable building the model on call. Returns: A :class:`opennmt.models.Model` instance or a callable returning such instance. Raises: ValueError: if both :obj:`model_file` and :obj:`model_name` are set. """ if model_file and model_name: raise ValueError("only one of model_file and model_name should be set") model_description_path = os.path.join(model_dir, MODEL_DESCRIPTION_FILENAME) if model_file: model = load_model_from_file(model_file, as_builder=as_builder) if serialize_model:, model_description_path, overwrite=True) elif model_name: model = load_model_from_catalog(model_name, as_builder=as_builder) if serialize_model: with model_description_path, mode="w" ) as model_description_file: model_description_file.write( "from opennmt import models\n" 'model = lambda: models.get_model_from_catalog("%s")\n' % model_name ) elif tf.get_logger().info( "Loading model description from %s", model_description_path ) model = load_model_from_file(model_description_path, as_builder=as_builder) else: raise RuntimeError( "A model configuration is required: you probably need to " "set --model or --model_type on the command line." ) return model
[docs]def load_config(config_paths, config=None): """Loads YAML configuration files. Args: config_paths: A list of configuration files that will be merged to a single configuration. The rightmost configuration takes priority. config: A (possibly non empty) config dictionary to fill. Returns: The configuration as Python dictionary. """ if config is None: config = {} for config_path in config_paths: with as config_file: subconfig = yaml.safe_load( # Add or update section in main configuration. merge_config(config, subconfig) return config
[docs]def merge_config(a, b): """Merges the configuration :obj:`b` into the configuration :obj:`a`.""" override_keys = {"optimizer_params", "decay_params"} return merge_dict(a, b, override_keys=override_keys)
def _map_config_values(config, fn): """Applies the function ``fn`` on each value of the configuration.""" if isinstance(config, dict): return {key: _map_config_values(value, fn) for key, value in config.items()} elif isinstance(config, list): return [_map_config_values(elem, fn) for elem in config] else: return fn(config) def try_prefix_paths(prefix, config): """Recursively tries to prefix paths in the configuration. The path is unchanged if the prefixed path does not exist. Args: prefix: The prefix to apply. config: The configuration. Returns: The updated configuration. """ def _fn(path): if isinstance(path, str): new_path = os.path.join(prefix, path) if return new_path return path return _map_config_values(config, _fn)
[docs]def convert_to_v2_config(v1_config): """Converts a V1 configuration to its V2 equivalent. Args: v1_config: The V1 configuration. Returns: The V2 configuration. Raises: ValueError: if the conversion can not be done automatically. """ config = copy.deepcopy(v1_config) _convert_to_v2_params(config) data_config = config.get("data") if data_config: # Covers most of seq2seq models in the catalog. _rename_opt(data_config, "source_words_vocabulary", "source_vocabulary") _rename_opt(data_config, "target_words_vocabulary", "target_vocabulary") for section_name in ("train", "eval", "infer", "score", "params"): section = config.get(section_name) if section is None: continue _delete_opt(section, "num_threads") _delete_opt(section, "prefetch_buffer_size") _rename_opt(section, "bucket_width", "length_bucket_width") if section_name == "train": _rename_opt(section, "train_steps", "max_step") _delete_opt(section, "save_checkpoints_secs") elif section_name == "eval": _delete_opt(section, "eval_delay") _delete_opt(section, "exporters") # Remove empty sections. if not section: config.pop(section_name) return config
def _convert_to_v2_params(config): params = config.get("params") if not params: return if "freeze_variables" in params: raise ValueError( "params/freeze_variables should be manually converted to " "params/freeze_layers" ) _convert_to_v2_optimizer(params) _convert_to_v2_lr_schedules(params) _convert_to_v2_step_accumulation(params, config) _delete_opt(params, "param_init") _delete_opt(params, "loss_scale") _delete_opt(params, "horovod") _delete_opt(params, "maximum_learning_rate") _rename_opt(params, "maximum_iterations", "maximum_decoding_length") clip_gradients = _delete_opt(params, "clip_gradients") if clip_gradients: optimizer_params = params.setdefault("optimizer_params", {}) optimizer_params["clipnorm"] = clip_gradients weight_decay = _delete_opt(params, "weight_decay") if weight_decay: optimizer_params = params.setdefault("optimizer_params", {}) optimizer_params["weight_decay"] = weight_decay # Only covering the most common optimizers. _V1_OPTIMIZER_MAP = { "AdamOptimizer": "Adam", "GradientDescentOptimizer": "SGD", "LazyAdamOptimizer": "LazyAdam", } def _convert_to_v2_optimizer(params): optimizer = params.get("optimizer") if optimizer: try: # Check if the optimizer exists in V2. optimizers_lib.get_optimizer_class(optimizer) except ValueError as e: v2_optimizer = _V1_OPTIMIZER_MAP.get(optimizer) if not v2_optimizer: raise ValueError( "params/optimizer should be manually converted: no registered " "conversion for optimizer %s" % optimizer ) from e params["optimizer"] = v2_optimizer optimizer_params = params.get("optimizer_params") if optimizer_params: _rename_opt(optimizer_params, "beta1", "beta_1") _rename_opt(optimizer_params, "beta2", "beta_2") def _convert_to_v2_lr_schedules(params): decay_type = params.get("decay_type") if not decay_type: return try: # Check if the learning rate schedule exists in V2. schedules_lib.get_lr_schedule_class(decay_type) except ValueError as e: if decay_type.startswith("noam_decay"): params["decay_type"] = "NoamDecay" if "decay_params" not in params: model_dim = _delete_opt(params, "decay_rate") warmup_steps = _delete_opt(params, "decay_steps") params["decay_params"] = dict( model_dim=model_dim, warmup_steps=warmup_steps ) else: raise ValueError( "params/decay_type should be manually converted: no registered " "conversion for decay type %s" % decay_type ) from e def _convert_to_v2_step_accumulation(params, config): # Try to upgrade step accumulation to train/effective_batch_size. accum_steps = _delete_opt(params, "gradients_accum") or 1 if accum_steps > 1: train_config = config.setdefault("train", {}) batch_size = train_config.get("batch_size") if batch_size is not None and batch_size > 0: train_config["effective_batch_size"] = batch_size * accum_steps else: raise ValueError( "params/gradients_accum should be manually converted to " "train/effective_batch_size" ) decay_step_duration = params.get("decay_step_duration") if decay_step_duration is not None: decay_step_duration //= accum_steps if decay_step_duration <= 1: _delete_opt(params, "decay_step_duration") else: params["decay_step_duration"] = decay_step_duration def _delete_opt(config, name): return config.pop(name, None) def _rename_opt(config, name, new_name): value = _delete_opt(config, name) if value is not None: config[new_name] = value return value