Source code for opennmt.models.sequence_tagger

"""Sequence tagger."""

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf
import tensorflow_addons as tfa

from opennmt import inputters
from opennmt.models.model import Model
from opennmt.utils.losses import cross_entropy_sequence_loss

[docs]class SequenceTagger(Model): """A sequence tagger."""
[docs] def __init__(self, inputter, encoder, crf_decoding=False): """Initializes a sequence tagger. Args: inputter: A :class:`opennmt.inputters.Inputter` to process the input data. encoder: A :class:`opennmt.encoders.Encoder` to encode the input. crf_decoding: If ``True``, add a CRF layer after the encoder. """ example_inputter = inputters.ExampleInputter(inputter, TagsInputter()) super().__init__(example_inputter) self.encoder = encoder self.crf_decoding = crf_decoding self.tagging_scheme = None self.transition_params = None
[docs] def initialize(self, data_config, params=None): self.tagging_scheme = data_config.get("tagging_scheme") if self.tagging_scheme: self.tagging_scheme = self.tagging_scheme.lower() super().initialize(data_config, params=params)
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): super().build(input_shape) num_tags = self.labels_inputter.vocabulary_size self.output_layer = tf.keras.layers.Dense(num_tags) if self.crf_decoding: self.transition_params = self.add_weight( "transition_params", [num_tags, num_tags] )
[docs] def call(self, features, labels=None, training=None, step=None): length = self.features_inputter.get_length(features) inputs = self.features_inputter(features, training=training) outputs, _, length = self.encoder( inputs, sequence_length=length, training=training ) logits = self.output_layer(outputs) if not training: if self.crf_decoding: tags_id, _ = tfa.text.crf_decode(logits, self.transition_params, length) tags_id = tf.cast(tags_id, tf.int64) else: tags_prob = tf.nn.softmax(logits) tags_id = tf.argmax(tags_prob, axis=2) predictions = { "length": tf.identity(length), "tags": self.labels_inputter.ids_to_tokens.lookup(tags_id), "tags_id": tags_id, } else: predictions = None return logits, predictions
[docs] def compute_loss(self, outputs, labels, training=True): if self.crf_decoding: log_likelihood, _ = tfa.text.crf_log_likelihood( outputs, tf.cast(labels["tags_id"], tf.int32), labels["length"], transition_params=self.transition_params, ) batch_size = tf.shape(log_likelihood)[0] return tf.reduce_sum(-log_likelihood) / tf.cast( batch_size, log_likelihood.dtype ) else: return cross_entropy_sequence_loss( outputs, labels["tags_id"], sequence_length=labels["length"], sequence_weight=labels.get("weight"), label_smoothing=self.params.get("label_smoothing", 0.0), average_in_time=self.params.get("average_loss_in_time", False), training=training, )
[docs] def get_metrics(self): metrics = {"accuracy": tf.keras.metrics.Accuracy()} if self.tagging_scheme in ("bioes",): f1 = F1() metrics["f1"] = f1 metrics["precision"] = f1.precision metrics["recall"] = f1.recall return metrics
[docs] def update_metrics(self, metrics, predictions, labels): weights = tf.sequence_mask( labels["length"], maxlen=tf.shape(labels["tags"])[1], dtype=tf.float32 ) metrics["accuracy"].update_state( labels["tags_id"], predictions["tags_id"], sample_weight=weights ) if self.tagging_scheme in ("bioes",): flag_fn = None if self.tagging_scheme == "bioes": flag_fn = flag_bioes_tags gold_flags, predicted_flags = tf.numpy_function( flag_fn, [labels["tags"], predictions["tags"], labels["length"]], [tf.bool, tf.bool], ) metrics["f1"].update_state(gold_flags, predicted_flags)
[docs] def format_prediction(self, prediction, params=None): tags = prediction["tags"][: prediction["length"]] return " ".join(tag.decode("utf-8") for tag in tags)
[docs]class TagsInputter(inputters.TextInputter): """Reading space-separated tags.""" def __init__(self): super().__init__(num_oov_buckets=0)
[docs] def make_features(self, element=None, features=None, training=None): features = super().make_features( element=element, features=features, training=training ) return { "length": features["length"], "tags": features["tokens"], "tags_id": self.tokens_to_ids.lookup(features["tokens"]), }
class F1(tf.keras.metrics.Metric): """Defines a F1 metric.""" def __init__(self, **kwargs): """Initializes the metric. Args: **kwargs: Base class arguments. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) self.precision = tf.keras.metrics.Precision() self.recall = tf.keras.metrics.Recall() @property def updates(self): """Metric update operations.""" return self.precision.updates + self.recall.updates def update_state(self, y_true, y_pred): """Updates the metric state.""" self.precision.update_state(y_true, y_pred) self.recall.update_state(y_true, y_pred) def result(self): """Returns the metric result.""" precision = self.precision.result() recall = self.recall.result() return (2 * precision * recall) / (recall + precision) def flag_bioes_tags(gold, predicted, sequence_length=None): """Flags chunk matches for the BIOES tagging scheme. This function will produce the gold flags and the predicted flags. For each aligned gold flag ``g`` and predicted flag ``p``: * when ``g == p == True``, the chunk has been correctly identified (true positive). * when ``g == False and p == True``, the chunk has been incorrectly identified (false positive). * when ``g == True and p == False``, the chunk has been missed (false negative). * when ``g == p == False``, the chunk has been correctly ignored (true negative). Args: gold: The gold tags as a Numpy 2D string array. predicted: The predicted tags as a Numpy 2D string array. sequence_length: The length of each sequence as Numpy array. Returns: A tuple ``(gold_flags, predicted_flags)``. """ gold_flags = [] predicted_flags = [] def _add_true_positive(): gold_flags.append(True) predicted_flags.append(True) def _add_false_positive(): gold_flags.append(False) predicted_flags.append(True) def _add_true_negative(): gold_flags.append(False) predicted_flags.append(False) def _add_false_negative(): gold_flags.append(True) predicted_flags.append(False) def _match(ref, hyp, index, length): if ref[index].startswith(b"B"): match = True while index < length and not ref[index].startswith(b"E"): if ref[index] != hyp[index]: match = False index += 1 match = match and index < length and ref[index] == hyp[index] return match, index return ref[index] == hyp[index], index for b in range(gold.shape[0]): length = sequence_length[b] if sequence_length is not None else gold.shape[1] # First pass to detect true positives and true/false negatives. index = 0 while index < length: gold_tag = gold[b][index] match, index = _match(gold[b], predicted[b], index, length) if match: if gold_tag == b"O": _add_true_negative() else: _add_true_positive() else: if gold_tag != b"O": _add_false_negative() index += 1 # Second pass to detect false postives. index = 0 while index < length: pred_tag = predicted[b][index] match, index = _match(predicted[b], gold[b], index, length) if not match and pred_tag != b"O": _add_false_positive() index += 1 return np.array(gold_flags), np.array(predicted_flags)