Source code for opennmt.layers.position

"""Define position encoder classes."""

import abc
import math

import tensorflow as tf

from opennmt.layers.reducer import SumReducer

[docs]class PositionEncoder(tf.keras.layers.Layer): """Base class for position encoders."""
[docs] def __init__(self, reducer=None, **kwargs): """Initializes the position encoder. Args: reducer: A :class:`opennmt.layers.Reducer` to merge inputs and position encodings. Defaults to :class:`opennmt.layers.SumReducer`. **kwargs: Additional layer keyword arguments. """ super().__init__(**kwargs) if reducer is None: reducer = SumReducer(dtype=kwargs.get("dtype")) self.reducer = reducer
[docs] def call(self, inputs, position=None): """Add position encodings to :obj:`inputs`. Args: inputs: The inputs to encode. position: The single position to encode, to use when this layer is called step by step. Returns: A ``tf.Tensor`` whose shape depends on the configured ``reducer``. """ batch_size = tf.shape(inputs)[0] timesteps = tf.shape(inputs)[1] input_dim = inputs.shape[-1] positions = tf.range(timesteps) + 1 if position is None else [position] position_encoding = self._encode([positions], input_dim) position_encoding = tf.tile(position_encoding, [batch_size, 1, 1]) return self.reducer([inputs, position_encoding])
@abc.abstractmethod def _encode(self, positions, depth): """Creates position encodings. Args: positions: The positions to encode of shape :math:`[B, ...]`. depth: The encoding depth :math:`D`. Returns: A ``tf.Tensor`` of shape :math:`[B, ..., D]`. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[docs]class PositionEmbedder(PositionEncoder): """Encodes position with a lookup table."""
[docs] def __init__(self, maximum_position=128, reducer=None, **kwargs): """Initializes the position encoder. Args: maximum_position: The maximum position to embed. Positions greater than this value will be set to :obj:`maximum_position`. reducer: A :class:`opennmt.layers.Reducer` to merge inputs and position encodings. Defaults to :class:`opennmt.layers.SumReducer`. **kwargs: Additional layer keyword arguments. """ super().__init__(reducer=reducer, **kwargs) self.maximum_position = maximum_position self.embedding = None
[docs] def build(self, input_shape): shape = [self.maximum_position + 1, input_shape[-1]] self.embedding = self.add_weight("position_embedding", shape) super().build(input_shape)
def _encode(self, positions, depth): positions = tf.minimum(positions, self.maximum_position) if getattr(self, "_tflite_mode", False): # Workaround for TensorFlow issue #42410. positions = tf.expand_dims(positions, axis=-1) return tf.gather_nd(self.embedding, positions) return tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.embedding, positions)
[docs]class SinusoidalPositionEncoder(PositionEncoder): """Encodes positions with sine waves as described in """ def _encode(self, positions, depth): if depth % 2 != 0: raise ValueError( "SinusoidalPositionEncoder expects the depth to be divisble " "by 2 but got %d" % depth ) batch_size = tf.shape(positions)[0] positions = tf.cast(positions, tf.float32) log_timescale_increment = math.log(10000) / (depth / 2 - 1) inv_timescales = tf.exp( tf.range(depth / 2, dtype=tf.float32) * -log_timescale_increment ) inv_timescales = tf.reshape( tf.tile(inv_timescales, [batch_size]), [batch_size, depth // 2] ) scaled_time = tf.expand_dims(positions, -1) * tf.expand_dims(inv_timescales, 1) encoding = tf.concat([tf.sin(scaled_time), tf.cos(scaled_time)], axis=2) return tf.cast(encoding, self.dtype)