Source code for

"""Vocabulary utilities for Python scripts."""

import numpy as np
import tensorflow as tf

from opennmt import constants

[docs]class Vocab: """Vocabulary class. Example: >>> vocab ="wmtende.vocab") >>> len(vocab) 32000 >>> "be" in vocab True >>> vocab.lookup("be") 377 >>> vocab.lookup(377) 'be' """
[docs] def __init__(self, special_tokens=None): """Initializes a vocabulary. Args: special_tokens: A list of special tokens (e.g. start of sentence). """ self._token_to_id = {} self._id_to_token = [] self._frequency = [] if special_tokens is not None: for index, token in enumerate(special_tokens): self._token_to_id[token] = index self._id_to_token.insert(index, token) # Set a very high frequency to avoid special tokens to be pruned. # Note that Python sort functions are stable which means that # special tokens in pruned vocabularies will have the same index. self._frequency.insert(index, float("inf"))
[docs] @classmethod def from_file(cls, path, file_format="default"): """Creates from a vocabulary file. Args: path: The path to the vocabulary file. file_format: Define the format of the vocabulary file. Can be: default, sentencepiece. "default" is simply one token per line. Raises: ValueError: if :obj:`file_format` is invalid. """ vocab = cls() vocab.load(path, file_format=file_format) return vocab
@property def size(self): """Returns the number of entries of the vocabulary.""" return len(self._id_to_token) @property def words(self): """Returns the list of words.""" return self._id_to_token
[docs] def __len__(self): """Returns the number of entries of the vocabulary.""" return self.size
[docs] def __contains__(self, token): """Returns ``True`` if the vocabulary contains :obj:`token`.""" return self.lookup(token) is not None
[docs] def add_from_text(self, filename, tokenizer=None): """Fills the vocabulary from a text file. Args: filename: The file to load from. tokenizer: A callable to tokenize a line of text. """ with as text: for line in text: line = line.rstrip("\r\n") if tokenizer: tokens = tokenizer.tokenize(line) else: tokens = line.split() for token in tokens: self.add(token)
[docs] def serialize(self, path): """Writes the vocabulary on disk. Args: path: The path where the vocabulary will be saved. """ with, mode="w") as vocab: for token in self._id_to_token: vocab.write(token) vocab.write("\n")
[docs] def load(self, path, file_format="default"): """Loads a serialized vocabulary. Args: path: The path to the vocabulary to load. file_format: Define the format of the vocabulary file. Can be: default, sentencepiece. "default" is simply one token per line. Raises: ValueError: if :obj:`file_format` is invalid. """ if file_format not in ("default", "sentencepiece"): raise ValueError("Invalid vocabulary format: %s" % file_format) with as vocab: for i, line in enumerate(vocab): token = line.rstrip("\r\n") if file_format == "sentencepiece": token, _ = token.split("\t") # Ignore SentencePiece special tokens. if token in ("<unk>", "<s>", "</s>"): continue if token in self._token_to_id: tf.get_logger().warning( "Duplicate token '%s' in vocabulary %s at line %d", token, path, i + 1, ) continue self._token_to_id[token] = len(self._id_to_token) self._id_to_token.append(token) self._frequency.append(1)
[docs] def add(self, token): """Adds a token or increases its frequency. Args: token: The string to add. """ token = tf.compat.as_text(token) if token not in self._token_to_id: index = self.size self._token_to_id[token] = index self._id_to_token.append(token) self._frequency.append(1) else: self._frequency[self._token_to_id[token]] += 1
[docs] def lookup(self, identifier, default=None): """Lookups in the vocabulary. Args: identifier: A string or an index to lookup. default: The value to return if :obj:`identifier` is not found. Returns: The value associated with :obj:`identifier` or :obj:`default`. """ value = None if isinstance(identifier, (bytes, str)): identifier = tf.compat.as_text(identifier) value = self._token_to_id.get(identifier) elif identifier < self.size: value = self._id_to_token[identifier] if value is None: return default else: return value
[docs] def prune(self, max_size=0, min_frequency=1): """Creates a pruned version of the vocabulary. Args: max_size: The maximum vocabulary size. min_frequency: The minimum frequency of each entry. Returns: A new vocabulary. """ sorted_ids = sorted( range(self.size), key=lambda k: self._frequency[k], reverse=True ) new_size = len(sorted_ids) # Discard words that do not meet frequency requirements. for i in range(new_size - 1, 0, -1): index = sorted_ids[i] if self._frequency[index] < min_frequency: new_size -= 1 else: break # Limit absolute size. if max_size > 0: new_size = min(new_size, max_size) new_vocab = Vocab() for i in range(new_size): index = sorted_ids[i] token = self._id_to_token[index] frequency = self._frequency[index] new_vocab._token_to_id[token] = i new_vocab._id_to_token.append(token) new_vocab._frequency.append(frequency) return new_vocab
[docs] def pad_to_multiple(self, multiple, num_oov_buckets=1): """Pads the vocabulary size to a multiple value. More specically, this method ensures that: ``(vocab_size + num_oov_buckets) % multiple == 0`` Args: multiple: The multiple value. num_oov_buckets: The number of OOV buckets added during the training. Usually just 1 for the `<unk>` token. """ i = 0 while (self.size + num_oov_buckets) % multiple != 0: self.add("averyunlikelytoken%d" % i) i += 1
[docs]def create_lookup_tables( vocabulary_path, num_oov_buckets=1, as_asset=True, unk_token=None ): """Creates TensorFlow lookup tables from a vocabulary file. Args: vocabulary_path: Path to the vocabulary file. num_oov_buckets: Number of out-of-vocabulary buckets. as_asset: If ``True``, the vocabulary file will be added as a graph asset. Otherwise, the content of the vocabulary will be embedded in the graph. unk_token: The out-of-vocabulary token. Defaults to ``<unk>``. Returns: A tuple containing, - The final vocabulary size. - The ``tf.lookup`` table mapping tokens to ids. - The ``tf.lookup`` table mapping ids to tokens. """ if unk_token is None: unk_token = constants.UNKNOWN_TOKEN vocabulary = Vocab.from_file(vocabulary_path) vocabulary_size = len(vocabulary) if as_asset: tokens_to_ids_initializer = tf.lookup.TextFileInitializer( vocabulary_path, tf.string, tf.lookup.TextFileIndex.WHOLE_LINE, tf.int64, tf.lookup.TextFileIndex.LINE_NUMBER, vocab_size=vocabulary_size, ) ids_to_tokens_initializer = tf.lookup.TextFileInitializer( vocabulary_path, tf.int64, tf.lookup.TextFileIndex.LINE_NUMBER, tf.string, tf.lookup.TextFileIndex.WHOLE_LINE, vocab_size=vocabulary_size, ) else: tokens = tf.constant(vocabulary.words, dtype=tf.string) ids = tf.constant(list(range(vocabulary_size)), dtype=tf.int64) tokens_to_ids_initializer = tf.lookup.KeyValueTensorInitializer(tokens, ids) ids_to_tokens_initializer = tf.lookup.KeyValueTensorInitializer(ids, tokens) if num_oov_buckets > 0: tokens_to_ids = tf.lookup.StaticVocabularyTable( tokens_to_ids_initializer, num_oov_buckets ) else: tokens_to_ids = tf.lookup.StaticHashTable(tokens_to_ids_initializer, 0) ids_to_tokens = tf.lookup.StaticHashTable(ids_to_tokens_initializer, unk_token) return vocabulary_size + num_oov_buckets, tokens_to_ids, ids_to_tokens
def get_mapping(current_vocab_path, new_vocab_path, mode="replace"): """Maps vocabulary new indices to old ones. -1 means that the entry is new.""" mode = mode.lower() if mode not in ("merge", "replace"): raise ValueError("invalid vocab update mode: %s" % mode) current_vocab = Vocab.from_file(current_vocab_path) new_vocab = Vocab.from_file(new_vocab_path) mapping = [] if mode == "merge": final_vocab = Vocab.from_file(current_vocab_path) mapping = list(range(current_vocab.size)) for new_word in new_vocab.words: if current_vocab.lookup(new_word) is None: mapping.append(-1) final_vocab.add(new_word) elif mode == "replace": final_vocab = new_vocab for new_word in new_vocab.words: idx = current_vocab.lookup(new_word) if idx is not None: mapping.append(idx) else: mapping.append(-1) mapping.append(current_vocab.size) # <unk> token is always the last entry. return mapping, final_vocab def update_variable(ref_variable, new_variable, mapping, vocab_axis=0): """Update a vocabulary variable, possibly copying previous entries based on mapping. """ ref = ref_variable.numpy() new = np.zeros( new_variable.shape.as_list(), dtype=new_variable.dtype.as_numpy_dtype ) perm = None if vocab_axis != 0: # Make the dimension to index the first. perm = list(range(len(ref.shape))) perm[0], perm[vocab_axis] = perm[vocab_axis], perm[0] ref = np.transpose(ref, axes=perm) new = np.transpose(new, axes=perm) for i, j in enumerate(mapping): if j >= 0: new[i] = ref[j] if perm is not None: new = np.transpose(new, axes=perm) new_variable.assign(new) return new_variable def update_variable_and_slots( ref_variable, new_variable, ref_optimizer, new_optimizer, mapping, vocab_axis=0 ): """Update a vocabulary variable and its associated optimizer slots (if any).""" variables = [] variables.append( update_variable(ref_variable, new_variable, mapping, vocab_axis=vocab_axis) ) ref_slot_names = ref_optimizer.get_slot_names() new_slot_names = new_optimizer.get_slot_names() for slot_name in ref_slot_names: if slot_name not in new_slot_names: continue ref_slot = ref_optimizer.get_slot(ref_variable, slot_name) new_slot = new_optimizer.get_slot(new_variable, slot_name) variables.append( update_variable(ref_slot, new_slot, mapping, vocab_axis=vocab_axis) ) return variables